Research overview
We are broadly interested in understanding protein-protein interactions at the host-pathogen interface. Our research combines protein engineering with biochemistry, structural biology and immunology, and focuses on identifying new design strategies to modulate antibody immunity. The long-term goal is to identify new targets and mechanisms for designing vaccines and therapeutics against important infectious diseases.
Research vision
Frequent outbreaks highlight our vulnerability to viral pathogens and the importance of pandemic preparedness. Our research vision is to develop new vaccine technologies to establish protective immunity that withstands viral evolution in the host-pathogen arms race. Initial efforts will focus on antigen design to facilitate understanding of the landscape and dynamics of antibody immunity. These efforts will inform strategies that can guide immunity toward evolutionarily conserved sites of vulnerability for broad or universal protection. Such vaccine candidates will translate into cost-effective counter-measures against rapidly-evolving viruses, especially benefiting low-income families and countries.